The Art of Everyday Living

I love listening to podcasts about art. One I’ve recently discovered is Makers and Mystics and especially love S1E2: The Art of Everyday Living with Emily Freeman.
We can get into the mindset that taking time to do those things that we are passionate about is a selfish act, especially when we have so many other demands on our time. I can remember when we lived in India I felt guilty taking the time to do anything other than just getting my family through the day. Emily offers another perspective.
“Could it be possible that [art] was put within you because God wants to bring it out? Could it be possible that you pursuing that thing that’s within you that you most want to do is not selfish, but the selfish act is actually you leaving it inside? Could that be possible? Could it be possible your art whatever it is that is within you is actually a daily grace that God means for somebody else? Could that be possible?”
She talks about cultivating generosity. She doesn’t mean giving your stuff away for free but actually using those unique abilities you have, those things only you can offer.
“What if being generous is paying attention to all those things and being willing to dig deep within and figure out what those things are and offer them in the presence of God and others for their benefit and God’s glory?”
She talks about art being in the way we live our lives. The art of everyday living: serve the people who show up. Cultivate generosity. Offer your work. Offer it all. And you don’t get to say how people receive it. Living life artfully is releasing the outcomes. Do the best job you can. Trust God to take care of the results.